According to Jeffrey Leib in the Denver Post, Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, in unveiling designs for the first phase of Denver International Airport’s south terminal redevelopment, says that they will complement the airport’s best-known architectural element—its terminal with the white-tented roof.“We have given our best to create a dialogue between the two buildings in a complementary basis to respect the iconic view of the tent,” Calatrava said of the interplay between his structures and the existing terminal, which was designed by Denver architect Curt Fentress."
I want Calatrava to design every building in the world. When I saw a picture of that museum in Milwaukee, I was floored. When I heard of that skyscraper in Chicago (which probably never made it up), I knew a star was born. His European commissions are excellent, too, a bridge, I believe amongst them. And I think he had something in New York--something gigantic, in fact--but I cannot recall.
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