"I'm so in love. But the insane part is that I'm not quite sure if there's a specific WHO or WHAT that's the object of my affection. Yet I walk around sparkly-eyed, constantly sighing, and just plain full of love. Woe unto whoever or whatever crosses my path...because they'll probably end up being victims of all this unexplained warmth and affection.I know it's nuts... I know that people guard themselves from loving each other because it potentially sets them up for a lot of hurt and disappointment.... I know that many are incapable of accepting or returning it [and that's ok]... I know that some will think that I'm carelessly tossing around the 'L' word... But it doesn't change how I feel. In contrast, and in all sincerity, nothing hurts worse than holding back this emotion.It makes me want to randomly do good things and bless people when they least expect it... it makes me want to embrace friends/strangers/acquaintances just because.Sometimes it gets lonesome...because people don't understand, or they aren't in a place to accept it, or they don't know how to react. But for the most part, I'm at peace with it [though some days are definiely harder than others].So even if I don't fully understand this part of me, my gut is telling me to stay true to it. Why not? Everything has lined up for me so far, and maybe this is why.xoxoxox"
Yes, Chicago is the most sentimental city on earth. Must be something in the water...
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