Sunday, August 1, 2010

M. Gabriel - w4m 27yr

"despite the fact that you gave me the worst blow-off line ever, i can't stop thinking about you. i wish you didn't know it & that it wasn't all about the chase. maybe your last girlfriend really cheated on you, or maybe that was just another part of the line. i thought that you could have some of the qualities that i look for in a person, except for the fact that you prefer tennis to soccer & are clearly merely a stereotypical player.

of course, that's the thing that made you attractive--- that you are a jerk. just like what made me initially attractive to you was that i was initially not interested. i wouldn't know if there is anything actually attractive about you as a person, though, and i am unsure that anyone else will. you have to let someone get to know you for that to happen. that's what being a real man is: making yourself vulnerable.

so thanks for the chase: it taught me that giving in to persistence merely encourages bad behavior on the part of the pursuer. i also learned that i erroneously equate being multilingual with being charming & intelligent, but given that your emotional intelligence quotient is not where one would hope a man in his late twenties should be, i am just going to try to forget this particular notch in the proverbial belt. i don't know anything about your actual i.q., so I am guessing that any number of guys apparently pass muster for what i considered attractive about you (gainful employment, a full head of hair, fluency in multiple languages).

desire is only desire's willingness to desire anyway, i suppose."

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