Friday, January 14, 2011



"Monica Bonvicini, an Italian artist based in Berlin, is best known for her three-dimensional works, particularly those that take on the male-dominated domain of large-scale sculpture. Her acclaimed “Stairway to Hell” (pictured below, 2003) sawed through a ceiling to occupy two floors of the Istanbul Modern, while “She Lies” (pictured at bottom, 2010), a new sculpture made of steel, glass and styrofoam that floats in a fjord in Oslo, rises to a height of three-storeys. When Ms Bonvicini first started making sizeable works, she says that their “hugeness was almost existential”. Now the scale is less about self-assertion than affinity and aptitude—skills which no doubt contributed to her winning one of the art competitions for the Olympic Park in London. The exact form of the public sculpture is still under wraps, but it might very well assume a grand luminosity and involve the word “run”."
Great title for a fascinating profile--I especially like her quotes. I even like the sculptures, seen below:

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