Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dance Review - Poetry in Motion by Anne Carson and Rashaun Mitchell

From the NYT:

"“Nox,” by contrast, investigates areas of personal despair and pain, with many images that suggest different aspects of trauma, loss and psychological disturbance. Here Ms. Carson’s starting point is the classic elegy (Poem 101) by the Roman poet Catullus at his brother’s grave in Asia Minor. She links this poem to the challenges of translation and the complexities of verbal meaning; to different aspects of history, ancient and modern (including memoir); and, recurrently, to the death of her own brother. She and her collaborator Robert Currie are onstage, listening and projecting lights, but her voice is recorded (at one point over itself); so is music for multiphonic guitar and alto saxophone by Ben Miller."

I've heard of poems being paired with music in performance, but not dance. I like the idea, to be sure, but am skeptical of the product. This sounds beautiful, however, and Anne Carson is about the best poet going, so if anyone could make it work, it makes sense that it would be with her work.

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