Sunday, August 15, 2010

Andrew Morton's "Angelina": The worst book of the decade

"Regarding Morton's 'original research,' this Jolie junkie found practically nothing that I hadn't seen before and mostly dismissed as utter crap. Much of Morton's research seems to have been done while standing in supermarket lines, and as for the rest, he plays a clever shell game with his evidence. His sources include 'a friend' (the phrase used at least 12 times), 'an unnamed friend' (at least 5 times, and there is no explanation as to the difference between a friend and an unnamed friend), 'an unnamed friend [who] told the magazine,' 'a friend at that time,' 'a mutual friend' (twice), 'a mutual friend, a writer.' Morton must define the word 'friend' as someone who dislikes Angelina enough to say something nasty about her but doesn't want her to know who said it."


"Angelina" couldn't really be called, in the words of a friend of mine (an unnamed friend, a mutual friend, a writer, a psychologist who has mingled in the Brad, Angie and Jennifer circle), "a journalistic disgrace," because this is not journalism. The real disgrace is that this book is printed by a major publisher and is being referred to by some of the media as if it has some legitimacy. It's too early to call "Angelina" the worst book of 2010. I can, however, call it, with some assurance, the worst book in the 21st century so far.
The headline alone is awesome, but the review isn't half-bad either. There are many, many great moments, these two my favorite. For the record, I still think Angelina is the worst thing to happen to Hollywood in--well, ever.

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