Thursday, August 5, 2010

Exotic dancer named Taylor - m4w (Northwest Suburbs) 25yr

"We met Saturday night, June 19th during a private bachelor party at Jack and Lou's in Melrose Park. I was the nice guy in the glasses who chatted with you at the bar (and also got multiple dances from you) if that doesn't help, I was the only white guy in a group of about 25 Indian guys. While I quite enjoyed the dances, I also really enjoyed talking with you. You have a great personality and were a pleasure to talk to. I realize you were there earning a living, and its probably very naive of me to think this is even remotely possible, but I was hoping that there might be a chance you enjoyed talking with me as well and might be interested in going out sometime, maybe for dinner or even just a nice lunch date or a cup of coffee. I'm sure if my buddies knew I was doing this they would laugh, but I thought you were attractive, intelligent and witty and very much worth trying to get to know. I'd rather make a fool of myself than not take a chance at all. So if you you see this please email me. Also if you know Taylor (she has slightly longer than shoulder length blonde hair, she's slender but athletic and has a degree in Theater) please do me a favor and let her know about this post. The worst thing that can happen is she'll laugh and ignore it, but I'll take that chance.


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