Monday, July 26, 2010

at first i thought you were following me... - w4m (trader joe's) 22yr

"but it turns out we really were just going to the same place.

we sat across from each other on the train, and i thought you were super cute. unfortunately, i was listening to a really good song at the time, so i was a little distracted. plus i'm awful at flirting with strangers. clearly. anyway, we both got off at addison, and considering the fact that we were the only two people exiting the train, you were standing veeeerrryy close behind me. or hey, maybe you stand that close to all your fellow train-exiters. in any case, just as i was crossing lincoln, cursing myself for not at least smiling at you, you reappeared, right behind me. and then you followed me all the way into trader joe's... where you work. what are the odds? i don't really need to tell the rest of the story at this point, because if this happened to you around 5:30 today, you're likely the right one.

anyway, just know that you're pretty cute. we should awkwardly maneuver around each other at the tropical carrot juice stand again sometime

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