Friday, July 23, 2010

"Trisha Brown is the Sexiest Dancer Alive," says Petronio.

"The men in Trisha Brown’s company never got to do Spanish Dance, that slowly advancing line of swaying hips and spooning bodies. So yesterday at my last talk on Trisha at DTW, six post-Trisha choreographers and I did Spanish Dance to “break the ice” before our talk. No one had access to the Dylan song, so we used part of Bizet’s Carmen. Stephen Petronio, Keith Thompson, and Stacy Spence finally got their wish to sway, pelvis to pelvis, along with us girls. It was bumpier than usual, but lots of fun. You should try it.

So, the talking part of this 'Talking About the Work' series: Here are some quotes from the six panelists' responses to my question: What did you get from working with Trisha that you could put into your choreography?"
I know next to nothing about dance, but I love reading about dancers. I love they way they talk about their craft and each other. I love to imagine a performance as it unfolds in the Times. I even admire dance criticism, having been exposed to the incomparable work of Edwin Denby a few years back.

Each response to the question has a choice phrase, but the best quote, for me, is the headline which, in the article, also includes: "and no one talks about that." Even better.

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